Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wikis

In the world that has become reliant on living through the inter-web, it has created platforms such as blogs and wikis. Blogs and Wikis bring many similarities and differences, as well as bringing new ways for the world to interact. A blog according to is “a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.” A wiki according to is “a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.” That is what separates these platforms; a blog is ran privately by its user and can be open to all public or may not be open to the public. A wiki has a worldwide range of users and allows for them to edit and contribute to the page, a wiki is created by the public for the public. 

A blog can be used for collaboration and in the article in the New York Times called “Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog” it shows exactly how that can happen. Wal-Mart site called is a blog where feedback is giving on its products by buyers instead of executives. It creates a personal and a real platform for people to get a true feedback. “Wal-Mart says the Web site helps buyers solicit quick feedback from consumers on the merchandise.” That is a blog being used for collaboration, a big retailer (Wal-Mart) is allowing its consumers to review its products for other potential buyers. This is a blog being used in a business aspect while collaborating with the public.

This also shows another difference between a blog and a wiki, a blog is written more on opinion based while wikis are meant to rely on more factual writing. One thing I was going to say that wiki could be used for videos however I came across a video in a wiki today. That was the only thing I could think of I believe wikis are doing perfectly fine with their current ways. In an article on CIO called “More on how to Build Your Own Wikipedia” it talks about how “diverse organizations, including businesses, schools and government agencies, are waking up to the benefits of wikis.” I believe this shows the important of convergence in today’s worlds, platforms such as blogs and wikis are being used for all purposes and are becoming beneficial in todays businesses, education and many other aspects. Blogs and Wikis are showing to be excellent platforms in todays inter-web. 

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