Social networking
sites have become an everyday thing for many, from the young people to old
people. It has become something that society can't live without, it has in ways
brought the world closer by connecting millions of people but has also harmed
in some ways, such as a loss of social skills. However, it is something that is
used and will be used by millions on a daily base. The four different social
media platforms I visited were Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. All of
these social media platforms I have used and become quite familiar with.
The biggest
connection I see with all these are the ability to connect with one another
globally. These platforms becoming a way to express ones own personal thoughts
and thoughts on everything on the smallest to the largest scale possible.
Another similarity I see is that all these platforms let you re-blog and chat
privately with users on the platform. Facebook seems to be the platform that
covers everything, lately it seems to have become a news network, you hear news
faster on Facebook than on actual news channel. Some Facebook postings have
become inappropriate, violent and just something that should be left of social
networking. Twitter is a place to let people know what you're doing, what
you're thinking and expression your personal opinion. I see twitter as a more
professional turn on social networking as it used for job searching and job
recruitment. Twitter started the hash tag phase, which has gone on to become a
usage on all platforms. Instagram is the platform to show your life in pictures
and recently added videos. The ability to show your life instead of write it
made instagram what it is today. Tumblr I believe is the least expressive
social networking, writing wise. Tumblr is a platform where reflagging is
essential. You express yourself through re-blog other things such as quotes,
pictures, videos, etc. All four of these platforms have changed social
networking and continue to do so each and everyday.